I am writing this tutorial for myself really because I need to reference this. This is a place for me to do that in a single place.
On the page with the image map add this script in:
There are a few things to keep in mind:
This line:
will need to be adjusted for where ever the images are
This line:
the world is actually the name of the map (you'll see below)
As for the map you see name=world that is the correlating document.world.src. These need to be named the same
And that should be that!
On the page with the image map add this script in:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> current_overID = ""; last_overID = ""; function item (img_name,width,height) { img_prefix = img_name; this.slide_img = new Image (width,height); this.slide_img.src = "/images/banner/" + img_prefix; } function new_item (img_name,width,height) { item [img_name] = new item (img_name,width,height); } function mouseover (itemID) { current_overID = itemID; if (current_overID != last_overID) { document.world.src = item [current_overID].slide_img.src; } } new_item ("originalimage.png",600,500); new_item ("nextimage.png",600,500); </SCRIPT>
This line:
this.slide_img.src = "/images/banner/" + img_prefix;
This line:
document.world.src = item [current_overID].slide_img.src;
As for the map you see name=world that is the correlating document.world.src. These need to be named the same
<img src=/images/baner/originalbanner.png usemap=#banner border=0 name=world> <map name="banner"> <area shape="poly" coords="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" href="/link.php" title="[Whatever it is]" /> </map>
And that should be that!